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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Use a bored mood to write some boring things ^^

I always bored when no wireless or I'm online and nobody chat with me. But after that, i found that boring is still a fun thing to do ^^

When I boring, I usually in these condition~
1) No wireless
2) No laptop/ computer
3) Nobody chat with me

When I'm in those condition, I usually~
1) Draw (most often)
2) Hear songs (most often)
3) Read manga
4) Facebook-ing
5) Sleep
6) Write blog (very less)
7) Redo my page (FFS/SFS/Blog)
8) Do homework (super less)

Mostly, i really want to do these thing but every time i unable to~
1) Call someone to chat with
2) Read manga that would make me laugh
3) SMS someone
4) Hang out with friends
5) Have a good sleep

Recent's troubles~
1) Haven't done drawing for my friend ==
2) My hands hurts a lot after PJPK
3) PMO training make me dead
4) My left eye is gonna blind of pain
5) Mid year exam is coming!! ><

My Wishes-~
1) No need to do homework
2) No need to attend activities in school
3) Relief on Sejarah class
4) Holiday faster come~
5) Go back visit my cousin's pet
6) Cure my painfulness

Well, there's so much things that we can't granted by ourselves, but still there's a power that can change you and me is.... hehe, secret. Find out yourself ba~

Below are some pictures that I draw recently, enjoy it~


Nice ma? Hope you say nice lo.... I draw until hand pain leh.... ^^

Hinagiku and Hayate Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Last day of first exam and the night before holiday (You could found out that I'm actually very lazy =P)

Finally freedom!! I wrote this all with holiday mood~~

The last day of first exam:
Today is the nightmare of every students in Catholic High cause is the most hard and difficult subject--Sejarah!! Every students is reading and studying... except that bunch of guys from SJK(C) Sungai Way... What they is fail fail and fail... I'm glad that I've study at home... There's no way you can study when you with them cause they're so damn noisy... Before the exam arrives, we have almost 2 hours to study... but don't you ever think to study cause in front, behind and both sides of me is also guys... They keep chatting, playing and make fun of me... How could I study like this... When we sitting for Sejarah exam, is raining. I bet God knew that we all crying in our heart cause the paper was so hard!! After school ends, when I go out I saw Danny and Clement. Clement drew something on the exam paper... Danny gave me his Japanese homework, ya fine, i promised to help him complete it... 

P/S: Clement sorry ah, that day I forget to bring your manga, I forget it was Friday already, haha...

The night before holiday arrives:
When I heard that tomorrow got PMO I shocked... WTH?!! Already holiday still want us to go back to that not even 0.01% attractive school...(I'm thinking why would I enter this school at the first place...) I called Niki and ask her did she go tomorrow, she said she got tuition so she will ponteng once. Then I called to Danny's hand phone, no one answer... I called to his house phone, his brother said he at his grandmother's house.(WTH, I don't have his grandmother's house phone number leh!!) I check my facebook... Oh great, brother got online!!(brother = Danny's cousin) I asked him whether he got the number or not, he said got then he gave me.(Thanks!!) I called the number, then I ask whether Danny's there, someone call me to wait...(While waiting, I heard-> "Who's telephone?" "Danny's" "Who call de?" "Dunno but is a girl" "Har?!!" I sweat when I heard that) Then Danny told me he also didn't go, so the conclusion is... No need to go lo~ So easy~

Here's some picture that I drew when BM exam, please don't tell my teacher yea, haha~ 
I hate Sejarah...

I drew this when I just wake up from resting~ So tired....

This picture I drew on my BM paper~ I hope that dream was true...

This picture also I draw at my BM paper~ Funny right? Many people beat my head when they saw this (T~T) What's wrong with it? I'm just too bored so I draw it ==

Here's some Hayate No Gotoku's characters that I draw at the night before holidays~
 This is Maria-sama She is so pretty and mature ♥ 

 This girl is Isumi-chan. She is quite cute. Sorry for my lack of drawing her like this...

Next time I'll draw Hinagiku-chan~ Good luck

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chinese New Year X Valentines Day

Before I started to write this, wish every reader Happy Chinese New Year and Valentines Day ♥

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year and as known as Valentines Day. I'm gone to church early in the morning. After that, I went to visit my grandpa with my family. Main purpose is go to take ang pau of course... I don't really like to visit relatives cause they'll keep talking this and that and I'll bored to death...

Ipoh's weather is damn hot for me... Although I did bring my laptop there but no wireless!! I wish I could get back KL as fast as I could... In the afternoon, I went back my brother's house. I play with my brother's dear pet ^_^ Later I too tired then I fall a sleep...

At night, I watch Shugo Chara! Doki after dinner. Brother and sister are all gone to date... (Valentines Day ma...) 10.00pm... All my cousins and relatives gone to sleep... Haiz... I'm alone... That's why I hate Valentines Day... I'm so boring until I suddenly remember there's something I can do. I grab my cousin's hand phone and I sms Clement lo...* Sorry ah, wasted so much of your money*

Does it feel boring? Yes, it is!! I hate going back hometown and it's bored like hell!! I don't mind if there got wireless but no!! And the weather is hot like hell!! How do the people live there?!! I so charm...

Thanks for the song, Clement.

saya Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Cross Country in Catholic High at 6 Feb 10

Woke up early in the morning.... Today is the day which Catholic High had Cross Country... I'm Yellow group and my number is K3029.

I arrive school with Soo Kee. After helped her and Tina to put on their number, we went to the classes to put our bag. Finally found Ichi and Pei Ting... Well, saw Danny, Yi Hung and Clement when we're still at the canteen. Gone to hall after we heard the announcement. When I'm sitting in the hall, I suddenly remembered I forget to bring my bottle with full water... Chat and play with Ichi when we're still at the hall... We even created a phrase: "We drive Avanza, go to watch Avatar, but we don't want t see Atariah." (We laughed until stomachache!!) After that, the teacher order us to go out of the hall and gather in front of the LM room.

Ichi is at the front of the group, cause she to small, teacher scare she will knocked by others so let her be in front. Start running... Ichi and Soo Kee damn fast though and they left me, Pei Ting and Michelle behind...(Whatever I don't care) Then I just walk/run with Pei Ting and Michelle all the way... Unfortunately, Michelle only run not even 500 meter, she already cant keep up any more... Well, me and Pei Ting only choice is leave her alone and keep running.

After a long while, Jack suddenly "fly" over besides us!! He is damn too fast!! But we still continue walking and chatting... Later we saw Danny... he just almost felt into the drain when he was running...(If he did, I don't know how to save him) Later while, we saw Clement.... Grab the water and drink after that I only found out is Danny's bottle...Pei Ting wasted half bottle of water!! I really want to punch her that time but got teacher there so I don't dare to do it.... A few minutes later, we saw Marcus...

Well, just keep walking until we finished the 5 kilometers... There may be many things happened during the long walk but I don't really remember it.... When we back to school.... I been brought by Stephanie to tick my name at the name list... Take back my bag from classroom... Bought a bottle of water to drink... Then I sat at the reading corner play with friends... What happened during that time I don't really wanted to say cause is very.... nothing. After a announcement, we all went to the place where teachers usually put their car's on and in front of the science lab. I'm so clever until stand under a shady tree instead sitting under the big hot sun... My bag and my bottle are missing though... Clement returned my bag and my bottle are still at unknown place... Lols... Stephanie took my bottle....

So after it ends, we all went home and sleep...(At lease that is what I do) Haha... I hope next year I no need to run if I'm a prefect... But I don't want to be a prefect... Haiz.... Never mine, I just accept what my sister told me:"Run is good for health, especially 5km!!"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

♥ When I go to school early ♥

Yesterday CHS got rumah sukan training for merentas desa that day... I'm in yellow group so need to go early... Besides me, Michelle, Soo Kee, Jian Yi, Chin Ji and Clement also in yellow group..... Before gather at tapak perhimpunan, I gone to play the ice ♥ (So cold XD)

When 8.00am, we gather and guided to the lake park. We been order to run 3 times around the park (No short-cut of course). Every time we ran a round, the captain, AJK of teachers will give us a rubber bane. Captain and others AJK will run along with us and teachers will be "watching" us...

(Start running) I walk(run) with Soo Kee all the way... Michelle run by herself and I don't know where she gone to... We walk when it's shady, we run when the sun is facing to us...( I hate u, Sun!) When 2nd round, we walk with Jian Yi all the way... After awhile, we saw Clement, so the four of us walk together until finish 3rd round...

When we gone back to school, damn that Clement copy me buy same mineral water to drink. After that, we go to pondok there play lo... Alif and Ivy Yong is busy doing their homework... I have nothing to do so I helped Clement to do the Geography Homework... Then I don't know who open my purse and they saw there's hair clip in there. Clement borrowed 1 of my hair clip to clip his own hair...(I'm gonna use Dettol or what ever thing to clean my hair clip...) Later, Alif bought a cup of Chocolate ice blended. We share it...

When almost 11.00am, we go in the canteen to buy something to eat... Clement bought french fries.... He added many pepper and salt into it... After that, Ivy Yong and Alif go add something again into the french fries... Now, the french fries have pepper, salt and mayonnaise in it!! Everyone ate 1 then we don't dare to eat it again except Clement still finish whole of it...(He really get a stomachache after awhile) I couldn't stand the taste of it so I bought Cappuccino ice blended to drink... Ivy Yong, Alif and Clement also grab my cappuccino to drink...

After this, Jian Yi and Chin Ji came. They buy some food and we all sit down together chat something like that... I grab Jian Yi's Laichi and Ivy Yong's Ribbena to drink~ I'm so glad that I didn't have stomachache!! Damn that Jian Yi, he used the ice and pour to my skirt!! I'm whole wet!! But glad that it just dry very fast...

Haiz...Yesterday play until very tired leh!! I'm happy because although we already secondary students but we still dare to play like a child... But if everyday play like this I really will die lo.... Haha...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Orentation Day

Haiz...Today was Orentation day...Well...I Totally tired after coming back from that...
I arrive there about 8.30am...And I saw many of my friends had arrive...
Michelle was the first person who saw me...When Zin Mun saw me she run to me so happy (Like 10 years didn't meet me...) Finally found Ichi and Soo Kee... Gave Ichi Shugo Chara Disc...
Accidentally saw my primary school's same class's boys... Later we all gone to the hall (My primary school's hall prettier!!) Same as usual... Sing those song... Then the headmistress and dunno who give speech... (My leg almost broke after they finish all their damn long speech...)
After that got some performance... Last those prefects bring us visit the whole school... (Very hot that time...) Done visiting the school then we all can go home le...
Haiz...I should stay a bit longer to discuss what club should I in with Ichi and Michelle them... And I even forget to take the egg tart that Zin Mun brings me... That's why when I when back home I don't have any mood...
**Sorry ah Heartless I can't return that thing to you today...**

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